Registration fees include attendance at the sessions, a copy of the proceedings, CD, coffee break, lunches and welcome reception.

IMPORTANT remarks:

Registration Fees:

Before June 16June 16 - July 30On site with €
Regular550 EUR 600 EUR 700 EUR
Regular, IEEE or EURASIP members 500 EUR550 EUR 650 EUR
Student 450 EUR 500 EUR 600 EUR
Student IEEE or EURASIP members400 EUR 450 EUR 550 EUR
Accompanying Person 250 EUR 300 EUR 300 EUR
Gala dinner: Available Soon......

Registration steps:

1. Participants have to fill and sign the registration form: registration-form-ipta12.doc

2. Sign the IEEE Copyright: ieee-copyright-form.pdf

3. Registration fees should be paid by Bank transfer to the conference Bank account: bank-transfer-ipta12.pdf

Please, send a scanned copy (Registartion form, Bank transfer proof and the IEEE Copyright) by e-mail to Receipts will be provided at the conference.