3rd International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications

Special Session on High Performance Computing in Computer Vision Applications (HPC-CVA)

The goal of this special session is to bring together practitioners and researchers both in computer vision and in HPC and in multimedia research to share ideas and experiences in designing and implementing HPC solutions for improving efficiency of computer vision applications, thus promoting interdisciplinary research between computer vision, HPC and multimedia research. The list of possible topics includes, but is not limited to, the application of High-Performance Computing, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Multicore programming Hybrid Parallel Programming with GPUs and Accelerators, Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing in the following fields of computer vision:

  • Image Formation, Image Enhancement and Restoration
  • Image and Video Analysis
  • Image and Video Understanding
  • Motion, Tracking and Stereo Vision

Special Issue

The best papers presented at the conference, could be selected for special issue in the International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.


Program Committee

Concetto Spampinato (Italy)
Tommaso Mazza (Italy)
Marco Aldinucci (Italy)
Jenny Benois-Pineau (France)
Gabriella Sanniti di Baia (Italy)
Roberto Barbera (Italy)
Fang-Pang Lin (Taiwan)
Bob Fisher (United Kingdom)
Vasileios Mezaris (Greece)
Anna Rue Borsch (Spain)
Bas Boom (United Kingdom)
Paolo Ballarini (France)
Davide Prandi (Italy)
Marco Grangetto (Italy)
Marco Fargetta (Italy)
Sotirios Tsaftaris (Italy)
Marco Danelutto (Italy)
Isaak Kavasidis (Greece)
Simone Palazzo (Italy)


The special session sponsored by the EU project fish4Knowledge, http://www.fish4knowledge.eu


Dr. Fang-Pang Lin, National Center for High Performance Computing (NCHC), Taiwan.

Presentation Title: Build data Infrastructure for real-time image streaming networks

Short Biography:

Fang-Pang Lin is the Grid Application Division Manager in National Center for High Performance Computing (NCHC). He is one of key developers for developing a national cyber-infrastructure, namely Knowledge Innovation National Grid (KING). He initiated the Ecogrid project within PRAGMA as well as within KING to overarch international collaboration and extended develop- ment of KING for the year of 2003. His recent major efforts include Grid-based Lake Metabolism research and Telescience in PRAGMA, World Wide Metacomputing with HLRS, Germany and workflow model with AIAI, Edinburgh University, UK. He has been working on unstructured grid methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for more than a decade. His interests include multigrid methods, unstructured grid mesh generation, optimal design, multi-disciplinary numerical simulation and scientific visualization. His interest has been extended to advanced visualization, parallel and distributed computing and grid computing in recent years. Fang-Pang Lin obtained his PhD in University of Wales at Swansea, UK. He worked in Rolls-Royce University Computing Center in Oxford University as a research scientist after one-year postdoctoral research in Swansea. He joined NCHC in Oct., 1997 and has been working in numerical simulation and software engineering regarding application integration. He was the winner of 2006 Outstanding Achievement Award in Science and Technology, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan.


For further information, please contact IPTA'12 Secretariat
E-mail : iptta@ibisc.univ-evry.fr