A Model to Image Straight Line Matching Method for Vision-Based
Indoor Mobile Robot Self-Location
O. Ait Aider, P. Hoppenot, E. Colle
CEMIF - Complex System Group - University of Evry, 40, rue du Pelvoux
An efficient and simple method for matching image features to a model is presented. It is designed to indoor mobile robot self-location. It is a two stage method based on interpretation tree search approach and using straight line correspondences. In the first stage a set of matching hypothesis is generated. Exploiting the specificity of the mobile robotics context, the global interpretation tree is divided into two sub-trees and then two geometric constraints are defined directly on 2D-3D correspondences in order to improve pruning and search efficiency. In the second stage, the pose is calculated for each matching hypothesis and the best one is selected according to a defined error function. Test results illustrate the performances of the approach.Key words: Model-Based Localisation, Vision-Based Localisation, Object Recognition, Feature Matching