Assistance Robotics: the role of human-like modes of control
Daniel R Mestre1, Yves Rybarczyk1,
Philippe Hoppenot2, Etienne Colle2
overall framework of this project is to restore autonomy to disabled people by
increasing their field of intervention. This involves a teleoperated system,
composed of a mobile teleoperated robot-mounted arm and a remote control
station. The required objective for the design of a "non-totally
autonomous" machine, controlled and supervised by a human operator, is its
adaptation to the user's capabilities. According to this logic, the ideal
system should perfectly fit into the human sensori-motor capabilities. The
system would disappear from the field of consciousness and the operator would
use it as a "natural" extension to his/her own body (hence the
concept of natural interface).
Concretely, we designed an
experimental task, in which the operator had to control remotely the
displacements of the robot, using a monitor linked to a camera on-board the
mobile base and a keyboard interface. First, we implemented a functional,
human-like, speed-curvature trade-off on the mobile base. Secondly, we tested
the role of a mobile camera on the robot, controlled by the operator.
Experimental data show that, both on the teleoperated device side and on the
operator's interface side, the implementation of human-like modes of control
result in easier and smoother control of the robot trajectory.