platform configuration definition during grasping
Nasser REZZOUGa,
Philippe GORCEa, Philippe HOPPENOTb and Etienne COLLEb
a Laboratoire ESP EA 3162, Université du Sud Toulon
-Var, France
b Laboratoire Systèmes Complexes, IUP d’Evry, France
Abstract. In this paper, we present a learning based method for the definition of the ARPH mobile platform configuration during grasping. Based on the principle of semi autonomy, the proposed scheme uses information provided by the user to help him(her) during the tedious task of manually coordinating the robot motions. From a crude posture provided by the user a reinforcement scheme is used to optimize the kinematic configuration of the MANUS robot to align the gripper with the axis of the object and grasp it. Simulation results illustrate the capability of the proposed method.
Keywords. Mobile platform, Navigation, Grasping, semi-autonomy, Neural network.