Remote control of a biomimetics robot assistance system for disabled persons
Yves Rybarczyk, Omar Ait Aider, Philippe Hoppenot, Etienne Colle
CEMIF-LSC 40 rue du Pelvoux 91000 Evry
yrybarc | oaider | hoppenot | ecolle
The goal of the ARPH project is to restore autonomy to disabled people by increasing their field of intervention. The process will involve an assistive system composed of a mobile robot-mounted arm and a control station that allows it to be remote-controlled. The human-machine cooperation will take place through a client-server computational architecture. The ergonomic question therefore is to find out the cognitive problems involved when an operator carries out a remote control action on the environment. Thereafter, we shall proceed to examine how behavioural neuroscience can bridge the existing gap between humans and machines. This gap is categorised as "disembodiment".
In the course of our research, the reduction of the disembodiment was studied in two ways. Firstly, from the robot to the human, by evaluating how the implementation of human-like behaviour of the visual anticipation on the steering can improve the robot control. Secondly, the study focused on the human-robot sense, by testing if we can observe appropriation signs of the machine in the body schema of the operator. All the results are discussed in terms of pertinence of the neuroscientific approach for the conception of physical and functional architecture of a teleoperated robot of rehabilitation.
Keywords : rehabilitation robotics, remote-control, biomimetic, behavioural neuroscience.