Lotfi Beji
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Research Interests

My area of research is the feedback control of systems, including: serial/parallel robots and terrestrial/aerial/submarine vehicles. My current interest is in multi-vehicle formation modeling and control. The IBISC's CIRTA (Intelligent Cooperation of Terrestrial and Aerial Robots) project integrates coordination of heterogeneous auntonomous systems. Tunnel robots control and coordination is also the current Project supported by the FUI13 program (2012-2016), and headed by the Soletanche Bachy society.

Former Research Group Members

PhD Students

  • Sarra Samaali: "Commande de Navigation d’un dirigeable autonome sous actionné dans les trois plans: Longitudinal, Horizontal et Latéral" (defended January 12, 2007). In collaboration with Prof. M. Pascal and Prof. A. Abichou.
  • Rajia Slim: "Contribution à la planification d’un drone hélicoptère à quatre rotors" (defended June 12, 2007). In collaboration with Prof. Y. Bestaoui and Prof. A. Abichou.
  • Kadda M. Zemalache: "Commande des systèmes sous-actionnés: Application à un drone à Quatre Hélices" (defended december 20, 2006), with Prof. H. Maaref.
  • Mohamed ELKamel Anouar: "Stabilisation et régulation de robots mobiles opérant en groupe" (defended may 30, 2012). In collaboration with Prof. A. Abichou.
  • Naim Zoghlami: "Stabilité et stabilisation en temps fini des systèmes interconnectés " (current thesis). In collaboration with Prof. R. Mlayeh and Prof. A. Abichou.
  • A. Kadhraoui: "Modélisation et simulation interactive pour la navigation d’un robot sous-marin " (current thesis). In collaboration with Prof. S. Otmane and Prof. A. Abichou.
  • K. Latrach: "Commande d'un robot tunnelier pour le pré soutènement furtif " (current thesis).