Call for papers
Important dates
Special sessions
Demo sessions
Invited speakers
Paper submission
Technical program
Important Deadlines
Regular sessions extended paper submissions :
September 1st 15th, 2008

Special Sessions extended paper submission :
September 1st 15th, 2008

Demo Sessions submission :
September 1st 15th, 2008

Special Sessions Authors / Demo notification :
October 12th, 2008

Regular sessions Author notification :
October 12th, 2008

Final Paper Submission and Registration :
November 1st, 2008


TITLE: Segmentation of noisy images using information theory based approaches.

AUTHORS: Frederic GALLAND and Philippe REFREGIER (France)


Determining the shape of objects in noisy images is a fundamental task for many applications. We propose here a review of new techniques based on information theory, which allows to determine segmentation techniques without parameter to be tuned by the user and adapted to noisy images. These techniques are quite general since they include polygonal and spline parametric shape descriptions, level set models of contours and polygonal grids to partition images into an arbitrary number of homogeneous regions. This approach can take into account the physical nature of the grey level fluctuations and is thus adapted to different imaging systems (optical, SAR, ...). Furthermore, it can lead to fast algorithms: from a few hundred of milliseconds to a few seconds depending on the complexity of the task to perform on 256 x 256 pixel images.

Invited speakers

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Call for papers Important dates Paper submission